
New Hours of Operation Announcement

Attention all valued Medpro clients,

We know that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is not only important for the health and happiness of our employees, it also has a positive affect on our staff’s productivity, their personal relationships and the service we provide to our clients.

It is for this reason that MedPro will be moving to a shorter work day effective May 1, 2023, reducing our 40-hour work week to a 37.5-hour work week for all employees.

We believe this move will be good for staff and, based on our review of call volumes, will continue to efficiently serve the needs of our clients.

As of May 1st, the new MedPro administrative hours will be:

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. This is a change from the current Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
