
MedPro Achieves Highest Accreditation Award!!

Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare
MedPro is committed to taking the extra step, investing time and resources to meet rigorous national standards to minimize patient risk and deliver safer care.
We are pleased that Accreditation Canada recognized our efforts to deliver quality respiratory homecare services to our clients with this recent accreditation award.
Standards of Care

  • Accreditation standards ensure MedPro continually assesses areas for improvement in our Oxygen and CPAP business units, building a culture of quality, safety and excellence
  • Accreditation supports the uptake of best practices in Home Oxygen and CPAP/Bi-level therapy
  • Accreditation provides an opportunity for our peers to assess our healthcare service against national standards of excellence in respiratory homecare

How Accreditation affects you

  • Making the right choice in which healthcare provider to care for you, your patients or a loved one; a provider that offers safe, high quality care as measured by national standards of excellence